Latest News - Your Golf Society

  • Individual Player Logins Now Operational

    This allows societies to disable various anonymous member functions and require their users to log in to make chatter posts and sign up to calendar events. If you don't want to use player logins, then don't worry, the default setting for societies is to use the single member login to use chatter and calendar sign up. Society Administrator: If you want to use the new…

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  • Calender - Added Funtion to Allow players to delete or NOT be deleted.

    We have added the function for the administrator to enable him to control the ability to let players be deleted from the the Calender list  if need.

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  • Mobile Site Launched!

    Your Golf Society is now responsive!, Responsive websites will scale to fit whatever device they are on, so you can enjoy using YGS while your at the golf course on your mobile, or on the tablet at home!

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